Thursday, December 15, 2011

You've Got To Laugh 48 Cartoons for Teachers on Kindle

Hi Fellow Teachers. I just wanted to let you know that I now have my popular cartoon book for and about teachers  available to you on Kindle. You get 48 original cartoons for under $5.00.

Take a peek here

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Head in the Sand Cartoon BULLYING

How to Bully-Proof Your Child

We constantly tell the world that children are our most treasured resource. We must start acting as if they are.

For 48 teacher cartoons on kindle for under $5.00 Click Here

Monday, November 28, 2011

New Cartoon on Bullying #3

If You Enjoy " The Happy Teacher Blog" share it with a teacher friend.
I want to get as many teachers throughout the world feeling good about life, themselves and their wonderful profession.  Here is the link to pass on..
It is our collective and individual responsibility to care for the wellness and safety of all children.
                                                                                                                  Mike Moore
If you like this blog share it with others. Here is the link...

For 48 teacher cartoons on kindle for under $5.00 Click Here

Monday, November 21, 2011

A Thanksgiving Story To Remember

I found this story on Speaker Bob Prentice's Mr Attitude Site

The Hand
Author Unknown

A Thanksgiving Day editorial in the newspaper told of a school teacher who asked her class of first-graders to draw a picture of something they were thankful for. She thought of how little these children from poor neighborhoods actually had to be thankful for. But she knew that most of them would draw pictures of turkeys or tables with food. 

The teacher was taken aback with the picture Douglas handed in a simple childishly drawn hand.
But whose hand? The class was captivated by the abstract image. 
"I think it must be the hand of God that brings us food," said one child. 
"A farmer," said another, "because he grows the turkeys." 

Finally when the others were at work, the teacher bent over Douglas' desk and asked whose hand it was. 
"It's your hand, Teacher," he mumbled.
She recalled that frequently at recess she had taken Douglas, a scrubby forlorn child, by the hand. She often did that with the children. But it meant so much to Douglas. 

Perhaps from this story, we can learn that one of the most important things that you and I can give someone is a hand that reaches out to them in love.

Check out my Teacher Boosting Kit     For more on Stories and Storytelling Click Here

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Stop Bullying NOW Cartoon

Check out my books of cartoons for teachers "You've Got to Laugh"

Every child has a right to a safe, secure and affirming school environment. If it doesn't exist then we MUST make sure it does. Mike Moore

Saturday, November 5, 2011

New Teacher Cartoon:I have heard this in staffrooms far too often

Why not leave a comment? Love to hear from you.

For more teacher cartoons for under $5.00 " You've Got to Laugh"   

For a FREE Download of over 30 life lesson stories for students

A review of my popular book Embracing the Mystery

This is something every author loves to receive.

This review by Wendy Priesnitz ( Ontario Canada  is for: Embracing the Mystery (Paperback) 

This is a little jewel of a book, which contains a wealth of inspiration for living a happier, healthier, more fulfilling life. Moore provides tips for reducing stress, improving self-esteem, banishing fear, nurturing patience, and more. But more than that, he helps us get back in touch with the sense of joy and wonder that so often gets buried under the busyness of daily life. The author is also a cartoonist and his casual writing style is enhanced by a generous dose of appropriate cartoons, which never fail to bring a smile to my lips, no matter how glum I'm feeling. This is one of those books to which I return whenever I feel like I need help becoming a better person.

Order your copy Here

Thursday, October 27, 2011

A True Story About an Underpaid US Teacher

Recent True Story

On a recent speaking trip to Mesa Arizona I met a head waiter at a upscale restaurant near our hotel.

During the course of our conversation he told me he was a teacher but had to hold two extra jobs to make ends meet. I couldn't believe it. ( I knew teachers were underpaid but TWO EXTRA JOBS?)

I asked him if this was common among teachers and he said yes it was especially among married teachers with a family.

I also asked if he had ever considered taking his teaching skills and  entering the world of public speaking.  His response was typical... " I never even considered it as an option."

Not many teachers have....UNTIL NOW!!!

Discover how you too can earn a lot more money with your teaching skills working just twice a month. Click Here

For a FREE Download of over 30 life lesson stories for students

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Need your help: Pass this on Please??

Hi fellow teachers. If you enjoy this blog and find it helpful and affirming could you please pass it on to other teachers.  Thanks a lot. Mike

For a FREE Download of over 30 life lesson stories for students

Monday, October 10, 2011

A Cartoon Every Teacher Should Put on The Class Bulletin Board

If you like this blog share it with others. Here is the link...

This cartoon can stimulate class discussion on the topic of LOVE  of self and others as a power to change the world.

For more cartoons for teachers VISIT HERE

I love to read your comments.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

TwoTips On Interviewing Parents

1.Put your qualifications on display. Whether people like to admit it or not they are impressed by paper qualifications. When you enter a doctor’s office you see behind his/her desk all the degrees, diplomas and additional courses taken in various medical fields etc. When you see this you begin having more confidence in the expertise of the doctor. I think teachers should do the same. Behind your desk have copies of your degrees, teacher’s certificates, professional courses taken etc. mounted on the wall for all to see. ( Framed, good quality copies would be fine.)

2.Never sit behind your desk.. Move your chair out from behind the desk and place it close to and in front of the parent. This sends a strong message to the one being interviewed. It says, “ I am comfortable and confident in this situation. That’s just the message your want to send.

For a FREE Download of over 30 life lesson stories for students

For much more info on Dealing with Difficult Parents

Thursday, October 6, 2011

7 Surefire Tips On Teaching With Stories

Children have a hunger for stories. " Tell me a story Mommy." "Tell me a story Daddy." are words that come out of their mouths at least once a day.
Stories entertain, inform, explain and help us decide how we will relate to the world and its people.
It is a wise teacher who includes storytelling  in their teaching  tool kit.

Example of the power of story.

I once met a former student I hadn't seen since his senior year in High School. After we made the usual comments about how nice it was to see one another he looked at me and said, " Mr. Moore, do you remember telling us the story about Josephine?"  I replied, " Yes I do. Don't tell me you remember that story after all these years."  He then proceeded to tell me the entire story in detail.  I couldn't believe it.

I'm sure he couldn't tell me anything about the academic content I covered in his senior year, but he recalled every detail of that story.

Here are 7 surefire tips on using stories to teach your students and have them love it.
1. Don't begin a story with " Once Upon a time . . . " unless you're dealing with very young children.
2. Become aware of stories with a message while you read , listen and view the media and life around you.
3. When you find a story you can use jot the story line down in few words.
4. Practice telling the story in your own words. Feel free to embellish the story to suit your situation.
5. When you tell the story let it speak to the listener. Resist the temptation to tell them what the story means.
6. You can ask a question related to the story when you're finished but don't try to condition their response. Just listen.
7. Keep your stories short and crisp. Don't get bogged down in detail.

Learn more about effective storytelling CLICK HERE

Another Story for Teachers: The Merchant and the Angel

In an ancient and far away city there lived two successful and
very competitive merchants who hated one another and were
constantly involved in bettering each other.
One night a messenger from God  visited one of the merchants
and told him that he was instructed to grant him one wish and
one wish only.
There was only one condition attached to the granting of the
wish. Whatever the merchant wished for,the other merchant
would receive double his wish.
The merchant pondered his decision while the angel waited
After a short time the merchant looked at the angel with a
slight smile on his face and said, " Make me blind in one eye."

For a FREE Download of over 30 life lesson stories for students

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

You're a Teacher and Proud Of It

I was giving a presentation to a group of teachers
recently when a young teacher came up to me and told me that
whenever someone asked what she did for a living she was
reluctant to tell them.  " There's just so much anti teacher feeling  in society today."
I tried to convince her to take pride
in telling the world what her profession was and to never feel
embarrassed to shout from the rooftop. " I am a teacher!"
Mike's Teacher Boosting Kit

For a FREE Download of over 30 life lesson stories for students

The Humor Deprived Principal

There are vast numbers of FANTASTIC principals out there in education land and for them we are so thankful. BUT... every so often we come across one that should definitely take an early retirement. They can do a ton of damage to the morale and well being of the staff. This is what they look like...

For a FREE Download of over 30 life lesson stories for students

Mike's Teacher Survival Kit

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Cartoon for Teachers: Pool in the Classroom??

Just a note to let you know that you can now get a copy of my Cartoon book for Teachers " You've Got to Laugh" . Click Here to check it out.

For a FREE Download of over 30 life lesson stories for students

This Seems to Be the Answer to A Lot of Things In Education

 How to Bully-Proof Your Child

For a FREE Download of over 30 life lesson stories for students
Leave a comment. Love to hear from you. Mike

Monday, October 3, 2011

Relaxation For Teachers


1. Take three deep breaths slowly. It really works to relax the body and mind.

2. Relax the tongue. Usually the tongue is held tightly against the teeth. Free it up in the mouth so it can just rest there without tension.

3. Take one minute vacations. In your mind visit places where you find peace and stillness. Picture yourself there soaking up the beauty and solitude.

4. Relax your facial muscles. When we are tense we frown and squint which adds to the tension. Tell your facial muscles to relax and they will. Try to maintain this relaxed face throughout the day.

5. Move slowly. When you find yourself rushing for no reason, SLOW DOWN.

6. Laugh more. Laughter cuts stress and promotes relaxation.

7. Listen to beautiful music. Mozart calms the restless spirit.

8. Watch and enjoy the sunset.

9. Visualize yourself as a balloon being inflated. As you breathe in, the balloon fills with your stress and tension. Then breathe out all the stress and tension leaving yourself limp and relaxed.

10. Enjoy the rhythm and beauty of nature for its lessons are patience and peace.



** This tip sheet is taken from Mike's popular stress manual " Stretched to the Limit"

For a FREE Download of over 30 life lesson stories for students

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Every Teacher Should Be a Great Storyteller Here's one for you.

A Random Act of Kindness

A second year university student had reluctantly taken a part
time job selling door to door to make ends meet. He didn't
like the job but the pay was good and he certainly needed the

One afternoon while selling in a nice middle class
neighborhood he decided to forget his pride and ask the person
in the next house if they could spare a bite to eat.

When the door opened he quickly decided against it and just
asked for a glass of water.

The woman of the house smiled and disappeared into the kitchen
returning within seconds with a plate of freshly made
chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk.

When the young man asked what he owed her for the wonderful
snack she said, " We don't charge for kindness in this house."

Years later this same woman became very ill and had to be
taken to the hospital for treatment. When the specialist
entered the Emergency room to examine her he recognized
her immediately. She was the milk and cookies lady from his
days as a salesman.

The treatment he prescribed was effective and within a couple
of days she was ready to return home. Her only worry now was
how she was going to pay the hospital bill.

Before leaving she went to the Billing office to find out the
damage and discuss payment options. When she got there she
was handed a note and told that the bill had been paid in full
with a glass of milk and a plate of cookies.

When she opened the note it read, " I don't charge for
kindness." It was signed A Hungry College Student from your

For a FREE Download of over 30 life lesson stories for students

For an audio CD on the art and power of storytelling click here

Cartoon based on a real letter received by a 6th grade teacher

Check out my Teacher Page

For a FREE Download of over 30 life lesson stories for students

Why not leave a comment. Would love to hear from you.  Mike