Thursday, October 27, 2011

A True Story About an Underpaid US Teacher

Recent True Story

On a recent speaking trip to Mesa Arizona I met a head waiter at a upscale restaurant near our hotel.

During the course of our conversation he told me he was a teacher but had to hold two extra jobs to make ends meet. I couldn't believe it. ( I knew teachers were underpaid but TWO EXTRA JOBS?)

I asked him if this was common among teachers and he said yes it was especially among married teachers with a family.

I also asked if he had ever considered taking his teaching skills and  entering the world of public speaking.  His response was typical... " I never even considered it as an option."

Not many teachers have....UNTIL NOW!!!

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1 comment:

  1. I think teachers need to be compensated a lot more considering the importance of their job. Not to mention the fact that they spend a lot of hours developing lesson plans and grading papers etc. It will be hard to retain quality teachers with lower salaries.

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