Reflections on the Gift of Life
As I live each day and watch people struggle with the changing fortunes of life I am more committed than ever to living a life of non-judgement and acceptance. Live and let live is my motto.
There are only three things necessary for a successful, joyful life.
1. Love
2. Laughter
3. Peace of mind.
The thing to notice is that they are all free.
As writer R Holden once said, " Being silly is the first step to being free." I think we should all try to celebrate the silly in life and never again say to children, " Don't be silly." The word silly comes from two old English words...seely and saelig. Both mean blessed, happy and joyful. So Be silly and live happy, blessed and joyful lives.
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THE HAPPY TEACHER is for teachers of all grade levels and is designed to help them manage their ever increasing stress levels and boost their sagging morale. It is rooted in my belief that humour and attitude are vital to the health and well being of everyone especially educators. If you like this blog please encourage other teachers to share the fun and the laughter by joining the group. JUST INSERT YOUR EMAIL BELOW and CLICK SUBMIT
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