Saturday, April 25, 2015

Reflections on the Gift of Life

Reflections on the Gift of Life

As I live each day and watch people struggle with the changing fortunes of life I am more committed than ever to living a life of non-judgement and acceptance. Live and let live is my motto.

There are only three things necessary for a successful, joyful life.
1. Love
2. Laughter
3. Peace of mind.
The thing to notice is that they are all free.

As writer R Holden once said, " Being silly is the first step to being free." I think we should all try to celebrate the silly in life and never again say to children, " Don't be silly." The word silly comes from two old English words...seely and saelig. Both mean blessed, happy and joyful. So Be silly and live happy, blessed and joyful lives.

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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

41 Tips on Bully-Proofing Your Child

We all know that bullying exists and is having a disastrous impact on the health and well-being of our young people. What we need to know is what we can do about it so that every child is cherished and respected and has an opportunity to achieve their unique potential in a kind and affirming community.

What I want to do with my New  Report How to Bully-Proof Your Child is provide busy parents with a easily accessible reference guide that provides them with effective tips, tools and techniques to use to develop a bully proof child.

While it might be unrealistic to think that we can stop bullying completely we can do a great deal to give our children the necessary tools and techniques to master the art of verbal self-defence whenever and wherever they are confronted by bullies.

It is important to realize that people bully others because it works for them and we let them get away with it. If we can make it so it doesn’t work for them and we won’t let them get away with it we have a good chance changing this destructive behaviour.

Teachers, check this out.

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