Thursday, January 19, 2012

Nominated for the most fascinating Teacher's Blog.

What a pleasant surprise for me and my efforts on behalf of teachers.

If you'd like to vote for my blog just click on the image below. Thanks a lot. Mike VOTING BEGINS ON JAN.21.

Teacher Resurces

Online PhD Programs

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Burned Out Teacher Just Wants Out

I just found this response on the internet when I was researching teacher burnout. The sad thing about this is  it is so common among teachers today...and it doesn't have to be.

I am really burned out after 7years. I am quitting teaching at the end of this year. Please do not get the idea that I am some horrible troubled teacher. I am even teacher of the year this year. I am just simply exhausted and stressed. I have already gone to the district and resigned. My last day will be June 3. I will never go back. I am going to take your advise to get through the last few months. This is a profession that I would never recommend to anyone.

If this is how you feel Visit Here FAST.

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