Saturday, October 24, 2015

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Why Teachers Must Commit to Laughter

                        Need a fun speaker with a huge message for your next In-service event?
                     We must get teachers laughing again.
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Saturday, April 25, 2015

Reflections on the Gift of Life

Reflections on the Gift of Life

As I live each day and watch people struggle with the changing fortunes of life I am more committed than ever to living a life of non-judgement and acceptance. Live and let live is my motto.

There are only three things necessary for a successful, joyful life.
1. Love
2. Laughter
3. Peace of mind.
The thing to notice is that they are all free.

As writer R Holden once said, " Being silly is the first step to being free." I think we should all try to celebrate the silly in life and never again say to children, " Don't be silly." The word silly comes from two old English words...seely and saelig. Both mean blessed, happy and joyful. So Be silly and live happy, blessed and joyful lives.

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A little book with a HUGE inspiring message

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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

41 Tips on Bully-Proofing Your Child

We all know that bullying exists and is having a disastrous impact on the health and well-being of our young people. What we need to know is what we can do about it so that every child is cherished and respected and has an opportunity to achieve their unique potential in a kind and affirming community.

What I want to do with my New  Report How to Bully-Proof Your Child is provide busy parents with a easily accessible reference guide that provides them with effective tips, tools and techniques to use to develop a bully proof child.

While it might be unrealistic to think that we can stop bullying completely we can do a great deal to give our children the necessary tools and techniques to master the art of verbal self-defence whenever and wherever they are confronted by bullies.

It is important to realize that people bully others because it works for them and we let them get away with it. If we can make it so it doesn’t work for them and we won’t let them get away with it we have a good chance changing this destructive behaviour.

Teachers, check this out.

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Friday, February 20, 2015

Ten Ways to Bully Proof Your Classroom

                             Top Ten Ways to Bully Proof Your Classroom        by Mike Moore

We all know that bullying exists and is having a disastrous impact on the health and well-being of our students throughout our country and beyond. What we need to know is what we can do about it so that every child is cherished and respected and has an opportunity to achieve their unique potential in a kind and affirming community.

What I want to do with this article is provide busy teachers with a easily accessible reference guide that provides them with effective tips, tools and techniques to use to develop a bully free  classroom.

While It  might be unrealistic to think that we can stop bullying in our entire school we can  do a great deal to stop bullying in our classroom and in so doing  sow seeds of peaceful co-existence that will have a positive impact on other members of the school community both staff and students.  From every seed a mighty oak does grow.

It is important to realize that people bully others because it works for them and we let them get away with it. If we can make it so it doesn’t work for them and we won’t let them get away with it we have a good chance changing this destructive behaviour.

Why do bullies bully? Well, they bully others for 4 reasons.

1. Attention

2. Power

3. Revenge

 4. Inadequacy.

When attempting to put a stop to antisocial behaviour we must always keep in mind what motivates it. Responding to the behaviour without considering what motivates it is futile.

Here are just ten strategies that work. Give them a try and watch great things happens.

1. At the beginning of the year have class discussions on the kind of classroom we want to have. Have the students be as specific as possible.  This will form the basis of a class vision and values statement which will be displayed on the wall for future reference.  Use the vision statement as the standard by which the class can challenge behaviour that doesn’t support class values.  When people of all ages get together to set standards they always set the bar high so build on this fact.

2. CHARM your classroom.  This is an acronym that stands for Communication, Humour, Attitude, Recognition and Mutual Respect. These elements alone will do wonders to create a bully free classroom.

3. Celebrate and affirm the giftedness of each student. Every child has a unique gift that can and should be celebrated and in so doing have a positive impact on the social fabric of your class.  Find it and affirm it in the presence of the class and watch great things happen. It is difficult to bite the hands that affirm you.

4. Try the 2 for 10 strategy to connect and develop rapport with difficult students.  It is a simple strategy that works wonders. All you have to do is spend 2 minutes per day for 10 days in a row with a difficult student in light conversation. Ask questions about their likes, dislikes, interests, hobbies etc. Just get them talking and listen carefully to what they have to say. There is nothing more flattering or bonding as the undivided attention of another human being. This is nothing more than a relationship building exercise to show a young person you care.  A student will never care what you think until they think that you care.

5. Be the change you want to see in your class. Both students and teacher must challenge one another in creating a social climate free of sarcasm, ridicule and putdowns.

 6. Turn your class into and ICU (Intensive Caring Unit).  Remember that love is the most powerful healing force in the universe. Put its power to work creating a thoughtful, caring and compassionate community.

7. If there is a child in your class who has a reputation as a bully try to get them on your side. Give them a productive task to do and affirm their efforts and results both privately and publically.

8. To develop empathy among your students get the students writing on How Would You Feel If… (Use stories and photos from the newspaper to stimulate their empathic response) Class bulletin boards on the topic are also effective.

9. Have a Compassion Board illustrating people responding to human need locally, nationally and internationally.  If exposure to violence in the media can foster insensitivity then exposure to peace, compassion and non-violence can foster sensitivity.

10. Promote the acceptance of others not tolerance. We as humans want to be accepted, respected and appreciated, not tolerated.

These ten ways to bully proof your classroom are from a, soon to be published, special report by the same name.

I  speak to teachers and parents throughout Canada and the USA on teacher/parent relations, teacher stress and burnout and on taming toxic bullies among us.

To look into having Mike speak to your parent or teacher group visit 

For a FREE Download of over 30 life lesson stories for students

Monday, February 2, 2015

Dealing with Difficult People By Mike Moore

In my travels across North America speaking on motivation and human potential I hear the same question asked repeatedly, "How can I become more assertive?" There is no doubt about it, there are people in our lives who are harmful to our health and we don't like it one bit.
I wrote the following  in response to the question, "How can I learn to cope with the difficult people in my life?" From the reaction I have had to this report it is proving helpful. I do want to say emphatically that what you read here won't do a thing to improve your situation unless you have the courage to use the suggestions given. Go for it! You're worth the effort.

rob us of our dignity.
destroy our self confidence.
increase our stress levels.
destroy our morale.
erode our self esteem.
foster negativity.
decrease productivity.
make life hellish.
are abusive.
are toxic because they can get away with it and it works for them.

Remember that you can't change toxic people, but you can learn to cope with them. Here are some effective strategies to try.
* Always stand at eye level with the person you are confronting. Never have them standing over you looking down.
* Respect the toxic person and always expect respect in return. Settle for nothing less.
* Remain calm.
* Listen attentively.
* Don't argue or interrupt, just listen.
* Don't accuse or judge, just state how you feel.
* If the toxic person tries to verbally bully you, just say, " I don't allow people to treat me this way." Then slowly and calmly walk away.

* When someone is being toxic to you here is a powerful response and one that is easy to use because you don't have to say a word. In the midst of a toxic attack just PAUSE....LOOK AT THE PERSON, WITHOUT EMOTION......TURN AND WALK AWAY. It works!
* Anger is sometimes a valid response.
* If all else fails you might be left with only one option; to separate yourself from the toxic person in your life.

This is an excerpt from Mike's The Art of Verbal Self Defence

For a FREE Download of over 30 life lesson stories for students

Mike Moore is an international speaker and writer on " Humor and Stress Management" " Humor in the Workplace" and " Humor and Human Relations"

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Improve Classroom Discipline: 5 Effective Strategies

                    5 Sure-fire Strategies to Improve Your Classroom Discipline

                                                                                                     By Mike Moore


Just make sure that the limits and the rules established are reasonable and few in number.  When establishing the rules you want to live by in your classroom get the students involved in the process.  It is much easier to get your students to march to a humane drummer when they own a piece of the drum.


In case you haven’t noticed young people today tend to react negatively toward autocratic authority.  They are very conscious of their rights, if not their corresponding   responsibilities.  They don’t want to be ordered to do anything.  It is much more effective to indicate what you expect, listen to their expectations and try to reach a compromise. 

I know there are those reading this who are thinking, I’m the teacher and I will tell the kids what to do and they better darn well do it without question.” This type of thinking can really lead to a troubled teacher/student relationship.  Keep in mind that we want them to eventually take their place as responsible citizens of our democratic society and this will involve the skills of negotiation and compromise. There is no better effective training ground than the classroom. This doesn’t deny the fact that there are some things that are not negotiable.


Your students do not want or need their teachers to be their buddy.  They have enough buddies in their very active lives.  Be friendly but never relinquish your role as teacher.


When your students submit a paper or notebook to be evaluated write brief notes of encouragement to them.  If there was something you really liked or considered thought provoking write and tell them.  I realize a teacher has to point out where the student went wrong on a specific assignment but affirming the positives should also be part of the evaluation process.  You want to avoid red penciling everything they do.


Your students hate to be preached at and we teachers just can’t help preaching whenever we get the chance.  When you preach at them they turn you off so try hard not to.  It really helps to suggest options or alternatives and leave it at that. Good luck with this one!!!  I always found this to be most difficult for me.

This from Mike’s Special Report “How to Up Your Teaching Pizzazz” 17 Effective Strategies to Improve Classroom Discipline and Teacher/Student Relationships.
 Get the full  31 page report here
Mike Moore is a Canadian teacher affirming speaker committed to boosting teacher morale and enthusiasm as well as reducing  their increasing stress and burnout.


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

How to Make a HUGE Positive Impact on the Lives of Your Students

Put More Pizzazz Into Your Teaching...  By Mike Moore

A teacher with pizzazz has a fundamental respect for the opinions of other people. And when that comes across, your students warm up to you, and can be free and comfortable to disagree. Remember no one has a monopoly on wisdom and insight.

We’ve got to be able to allow our students to challenge us without
becoming upset or angry or threatened. We're not there to teach students what to think but how to think and how to think involves being bold enough to challenge and disagree.

So a teacher with pizzazz is bold enough to stand up and express their opinions but express them in a way that is not going to deny the authenticity and the validity of the opinions of others.

Your opinions will add to the debate on any topic. I have been in the classrooms of teachers who were terrific until somebody stood up and challenged them. As soon as the challenge was issued they became defensive, venomous ,reactionary and used the power of their platform to shoot down the “offending” member of the class.

We should always be confident enough in our opinions and our own background and experience that we don't have to shoot down the opinions and ideas of others when they happen to disagree with ours. A pizzazzed teacher has this ability in my opinion.

This is an excerpt from How to Be a  Teacher with Pizzazz.
(30 Pages of Strategies,Tips and Techniques)